
Happy Holidays SmartPip’ers / Forex’ers

by FXChris December 24, 2012

Just want to wish everyone a wonderful Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year. It’s been a profitable but tricky year for FX trading, had to take the money when it was there on most pairs else watch it evaporate, except for the yens which have been doing great the last few months according to […]

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SmartPip / FXBootcamp Advanced Room 1 Week Trial Returns

by FXChris June 15, 2012

Hey all, Very liquid and volatile trading lately, I hope you have done as well as we have! You may not want to leave trades open over this weekend with the Greek vote happening Sunday, just not worth the risk. Check bottom of this post regarding Sunday. Most of the SmartPip live room members have […]

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SmartPip Transforms to FXBootcamp Advanced Forex Trading Room

by FXChris June 5, 2012

Yes you read that correctly! It is no secret I was first a member (I learned to traded at FXB!), and later a currency coach at FXBootcamp for nearly 5 years, and I thoroughly enjoyed my time there coaching the London session all during that time. I left there in January 2012 to start SmartPip […]

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SmartPip Guest Forex Coaching Schedule

by FXChris May 23, 2012

Hey folks, You may have heard we just started a guest coaching program after the normal class has completed at SmartPip. I just posted a listing of the next 6 weeks worth of guest coaches for the SmartPip Forex trading room. Each coach will be performing 3 consecutive days of one hour classes on topics […]

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SmartPip- Guest Coaches, NY Coaching, Price Changes

by FXChris May 21, 2012

Hello SmartPippers.. Hope everything has been going well for you also during the fairly active trading we have seen lately. I have some cool updates for you here, as well as some important room price/structure change information. First let me tell you about a cool new addition to the SmartPip Forex Trading Room beginning this […]

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Forex Video Pre-European Review – March 15, 2012

by FXChris March 15, 2012 Do you like pips right away to start your day? When we opened class today in the Forex trading room we were only minutes away from a potential entry on the Eur/Usd. So we quickly went over the state of the USIndex and Eur/Usd, and got long a higher low based off the plan […]

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Mental State & Trading with Emotion

by FXChris February 23, 2012

Forex Trading Room / Daily Analysis Free sample excerpt from live SmartPip Forex room Feb 23rd, 2012 As we were awaiting a few of our setups to materialize, a topic came up that is incredibly important for any kind of trader, Trading when there are Emotions swirling (good or bad) and how it can seriously […]

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Importance of Planning Profit Targets

by FXChris February 21, 2012 Couple updates… Just added some new free Forex video excerpts of the live SmartPip Forex room to the site come check them out here. Today though we found ourselves with some time to kill awaiting a pullback, and we thought why not just hit the record button & create an off the cuff Forex […]

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SmartPip Facebook & Twitter Change

by FXChris February 19, 2012

Hi all, I just finished cleaning up, simplifying, and changing some social networking links as not everyone that keeps in touch with me wants SmartPip info and vice versa… Essentially I have created a SmartPip only FB & Twitter for those seeking only Forex updates relating to the website. The old Facebook page I […]

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