SmartPip Transforms to FXBootcamp Advanced Forex Trading Room

by FXChris on June 5, 2012

Yes you read that correctly!

It is no secret I was first a member (I learned to traded at FXB!), and later a currency coach at FXBootcamp for nearly 5 years, and I thoroughly enjoyed my time there coaching the London session all during that time. I left there in January 2012 to start SmartPip as a different concept, more of a long term, more advanced (less new questions, more focus on the daily plans, trade management & trader psychology) hangout for traders. This concept has worked very well from nearly all accounts, and continues to improve month by month with new additions such as the recently added regularly scheduled guest coaching from our members etc.

Recently I have had many discussions with Wayne over at FXBootcamp about the possibility of integrating the SmartPip Forex Trading room into FXBootcamp as an Advanced Trading Room. This would benefit traders in several ways. One thing about FXBootcamp is it is a fantastic place for anyone new to Forex to learn top to bottom how to become a successful Forex trader, yet once this has been achieved it becomes rather repetitive to sit through all the beginning lessons for months/years on end. It really is not a long term advanced hangout for traders that are past a certain point. That is the role was designed to fill, and I feel it has done that well. So integrating SmartPip's trading room into FXBootcamp as an advanced room is an absolute perfect fit, allowing traders to 'Graduate' (as many SmartPip members call it) to the Advanced Trading Room when they feel they are done with the constant newer training and market coverage. So doing this all at once place, FXBootcamp, facilitates that connection, and natural progression even better than having the SmartPip room as a stand-alone project. In the end we mutually agreed, and I feel this benefits traders a good deal.

So as of June 2012 I have begun broadcasting the Advanced trading room at FXBootcamp in place of the SmartPip room, at the same hours, and entirely same structure/content that has been taking place at SmartPip since February this year.

In addition to the already in place structure, I have added an hour in the morning as a sort of 'pre-New York update' taking place from 6:30-7:30am EST. to broaden this idea into times that may help some New York traders.

For now only existing SmartPip members can access this Advanced room, but sometime over the next week or so new members will again be accepted through the FXBootcamp site so stay tuned, which I will link here on SmartPip for those of you that are not FXB members. Until this time new subscribers are temporarily disabled, but no worries, it will re-open quickly.

The SmartPip site will remain here, and I will post some trading related content from time to time, but if you want daily live trade planning/trading please join us at the new FXB Advanced Trading Room when it re-opens for new members.

Cheers folks!

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